Pandora music delays?!

So has anyone else been having trouble with lately? I love the ability to pick the music that I listen to and also not having to listen to commercials, but this week it sometimes seems like it takes a couple of minutes after a song ends before it starts another (sometimes it just sits there for like 20+ minutes.) Changing stations didn’t seem to do anything. Sometimes it runs great for a couple of hours too. I spoke to one other person who is also having similar problems (although he said today has been normal.) Anyone else seeing problems?

EDIT: Wow, I’m impressed with the response from  They managed to find my fairly obscure blog and post a comment offering support to fix the problem!  Well, just an update – It wasn’t pandora, it was the virus scan program here at work (Kaspersky Anti-Virus…) We are on a trial right now, but I had to go into the web protection settings and add http://** to the trusted sites, and it seems to be fixed…  Thanks pandora for the great service and product!


One response to “Pandora music delays?!”

  1. Sorry Pandora’s acting weird for you, Chris! If you send a quick email to and describe what’s happening, our support team will help you out with whatever is going on.


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