Hey, I’m Chris!
I love my wife and 5 kids, my consulting opportunities, and my life in general. I love to solve problems and usually like to find ways to do it with Technology. My hobbies include programming and learning about self development (and attempting to improve myself every day). Because lifestyle design is a passion of mine I also love to help other people unlock their true potential. If you are interested in what I am working on right now, you can see it on my Now page.
My small business consulting & web design company is Polished Stone, LLC.
Hey Friend! Welcome to my ramblings.
My Introduction to O.U.R. A few years ago, I had the privilege of hearing Tim Ballard speak at a company meeting. Tim started Operation Underground Railroad to help people who were stuck in the darkest places of the world, and who can’t help themselves. During the presentation I was struck by the evil in the…
I’m not sure if this is the result of the fact I turn 40 next year, or if it is just the point of life I’m in, but I’ve been thinking a lot about goals and lifestyle phases. I feel like the first 20 years of life is mapped out for us, the next 20…
I love solving problems with technology. I’m just trying to figure out how best to do that for as many people as possible. What makes you come alive?
A few weeks ago I learned (from this awesome post) that in Todoist (my referral link) you can create filters with multiple criteria by separating the criteria with commas. I created a filter on my mobile app (I wanted to group small, medium, and large tasks for today). label:Large & today, today & label:Medium, today…
(This is a series of posts exploring my goals and direction for life…) So last time, after talking about the worth of work and what is appropriate to charge, I realized my struggle could lie around the fear of confrontation. I can think of two things this could be: A fear that someone calls my…
In my last post I explored giving and receiving and it lead me to the question of “how much is my work worth?” I ended the post with the comment “don’t rob from yourself” and the gist of the previous post is to not seek for money. What does God have to say about this?…
(This is a series of posts exploring my goals and direction for life…) I am a religious person and when I think about money, quotes like “ For the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Tim. 6:10) and that makes me think I shouldn’t seek after it. Then, in Acts 20:35 Jesus…
(This is a series of posts exploring my goals and direction for life…) In my last post, I came to the conclusion that in the first job I ever did for money, I undervalued the service I was giving. Where has this led me? Value of hard work I love to work hard. I love…
(This is a series of posts exploring my goals and direction for life…) In my last post I came to realize that a lot of my problems with work outside of my job (although I wager it plays a role there too) is that when I create something, I don’t like to sell it OR…
(Random thoughts as I try to figure out where I am heading and what I’m supposed to really do with my life.) I think there is a book on that topic. In fact, I’ve probably read (or listened to) it. That being said, I’ve been contemplating this for a while. I read a lot (and…
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