Tag: Goals
Tonight I was thinking about the word “Tomorrow”. It started because I was going to set some goals for tomorrow. Get up early (4:45am) and get to work being the main one so far. This isn’t going to be easy as its currently 11:30PM… But Tomorrow – there is that word again – is a…
The Trick to Solving Problems
Problems are much easier to solve if you know what the problem is! Tonight I spent a half hour digging out the door frame to our bedroom when the door knob goes in past the plate. It has never latched, and we finally got to a point where shutting our door to keep Jayden out…
Celebrate Small Successes – Look Past Small Failures
When you are trying to attain a goal, whether it be a one time goal, or establishing a habit, your successes and failures are bound to look like a roller-coaster. Some days or weeks (maybe even months) will seem to be getting better and better, and then sometimes you will hit one of those steep…
Setting Goals
I will be one of the first to tell you how important it is to set goals. I have seen goals do some miraculous things in my life. However, in writing my last post I realized that sometimes things are much easier on paper than we think. For instance, at the New Year I decided…
Better Time Management
As I hoped, this week has already been more effective than the whole first part of February! While taking a break today I was pointed to this article by Chris Brogan. It is some great advice on cutting back on things that aren’t as important. I’ve been thinking a lot about this the last couple…
A good day.
Alright, today was pretty good. I actually managed to get some things done. You know how did it? I knew today was a day off, and anything I got done was a bonus. So I just set out to get a couple of things done. I focused on getting them done, and now it means…
Morning and Evening Routines
Ok, they are still a work in progress, but I wanted to give a basic description of what I have put together as my routines, and give a brief report on how it is working. (These ideas come as a compilation of ideas form others most of which I cannot take credit for.) Mornings The…
Lessons from this week
Well this week has been a bit crazy, but there have been a few lessons that I learned that I would like to share. 1. Sometimes you need to take time for yourself. Some days you need to not try to see how much work you can get done. Sometimes it is just important to…
Today was great!
The morning routine worked great today! I got up, got out of my room, and got things done before I even met with my project group at 9. I had things done before 9:00 on a Saturday morning! Wow did that feel good. I AM tired now and its getting close to 10 so that’s…