Hey, I’m Chris!
I love my wife and 5 kids, my consulting opportunities, and my life in general. I love to solve problems and usually like to find ways to do it with Technology. My hobbies include programming and learning about self development (and attempting to improve myself every day). Because lifestyle design is a passion of mine I also love to help other people unlock their true potential. If you are interested in what I am working on right now, you can see it on my Now page.
My small business consulting & web design company is Polished Stone, LLC.
Hey Friend! Welcome to my ramblings.
“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” – Jim Rohn
Ten questions before you start something new buff.ly/1desRDT
Moving my Dropbox to Copy… – Check it out. buff.ly/1fFfKPe
Is your business actually growing? buff.ly/1gryJkU via @thedannorris
Learned a lot about Singapore in this short read- Understanding Singapore buff.ly/1l3Qp8j thanks @sivers – will have to visit now…
Automation buff.ly/1dNHTX1 LOL… Sadly, this can be true…
I have been a user/fan of todoist since July 2012 (and a premium user since November 2012) and that is probably the longest I have stayed with any todo application. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve strayed a bit over the last year, but only testing other applications and never using them for more than…
Losing track of time buff.ly/1eecjj9
This quote stuck out at me the other day: There is a natural progression in life, which everyone knew intimately back in the days when we were an agrarian society. You plant, then you cultivate, and finally you harvest. Plant, cultivate, harvest. In today’s world, everyone wants to go directly from plant to harvest. We plant the seed…
In my short life thus far, I have found that Gratitude is one of the most important things that we can have in our life. If we make a habit to look at all of our blessings and actually think through how important those things are to us, we change the way we think about…
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