Hey, I’m Chris!
I love my wife and 5 kids, my consulting opportunities, and my life in general. I love to solve problems and usually like to find ways to do it with Technology. My hobbies include programming and learning about self development (and attempting to improve myself every day). Because lifestyle design is a passion of mine I also love to help other people unlock their true potential. If you are interested in what I am working on right now, you can see it on my Now page.
My small business consulting & web design company is Polished Stone, LLC.
Hey Friend! Welcome to my ramblings.
Beautiful because its interesting I guess… I had to make a wiki entry for my HCI (Human Computer Interfaces) class and I wrote this up. I’m reposting it because unless any of you are in my class, you can’t log into the wiki to read it… Wiki #5 – Beautiful Finding a “beautiful” webiste to…
BYOOS stands for Build Your Own Operating System – it is our final project for my Operating Systems (IT 344) class. Its a bit deceiving as it sounds like we are going to build the whole OS, however we just have to basically implement an OS into a system. My system is two Linux web…
Well, as you can see, I can’t sleep. Been lying in bed for an hour now, and just can’t get to the zzz… But I did read some from a book I got from the library a little while back. Its Don Norman’s book called “The Design of Everyday Things”. Its actually really entertaining 🙂…
Well I thought I would share this little tidbit with all of those who might read this. It’s called Pandora.com – I learned about it on someone else’s blog, and figure why not pass the information on. It takes a bit of getting use to the design of how it works, but basically you go…
YAY my internet works! After 3 weeks of bumming off my neighbor’s wireless, I finally was here when Comcast came by to look at it. Apparently the guy was surprised it ever worked at all because they are coming over the next couple of days to completely rewire the whole line up to the building.…
Well… My hope was to praise things that I like in this tech blog, but I have found something that I don’t like. It’s called the Smarty Compiler (http://smarty.php.net/) The idea behind it seems great but I just don’t like how I can’t work with it. Maybe its just that the Bblog software is already…
So I decided maybe I would write a little note here every couple of days of neat things that I have starting doing, or tricks I found having to do with technology. We will see how long it lasts. But I guess first off… I have been having fun working with this website stuff. I…
So we counted the days left of school today. Something like 50… Too many if you ask me. Physics is killing me, as is this huge relate project they have me working on at work! Today actually started last night in a meeting when George handed me a paper and said – “Figure out why…
Well life has gotten busy! School starts, and thats the end of it! I have to work 20 hrs a week, and now I have labs, homework, and just busy work. Physics is killing me because probably mainly because I don’t own the book… I’m thinking maybe I need to buy it. And Probably spend…
Well, it seems that I am not very good at this blogging thing… I only choose to do it when I don’t want to do what ever it is that I am supposed to be doing. Well this weekend was a busy one… I worked long and hard on the Family Web page. Its looking…
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