Hey, I’m Chris!
I love my wife and 5 kids, my consulting opportunities, and my life in general. I love to solve problems and usually like to find ways to do it with Technology. My hobbies include programming and learning about self development (and attempting to improve myself every day). Because lifestyle design is a passion of mine I also love to help other people unlock their true potential. If you are interested in what I am working on right now, you can see it on my Now page.
My small business consulting & web design company is Polished Stone, LLC.
Hey Friend! Welcome to my ramblings.
Well this week has been a bit crazy, but there have been a few lessons that I learned that I would like to share. 1. Sometimes you need to take time for yourself. Some days you need to not try to see how much work you can get done. Sometimes it is just important to…
The morning routine worked great today! I got up, got out of my room, and got things done before I even met with my project group at 9. I had things done before 9:00 on a Saturday morning! Wow did that feel good. I AM tired now and its getting close to 10 so that’s…
I think I am only beginning to understand systems and how they can help in getting things done. I’ve tried lots of thing thus far in becoming organized and I’ve made some great improvements. I do however still feel that I am lacking immensely in where I could be. I have decided that I am…
Ok, well I had a fun experience today that is spawning this post. I’ll start with the moral of the story so that you can all get the idea if you don’t want to continue reading. If you are going to keep a todo list, you need to actually use it. Ok, now here is…
Well, I have a lesson to share with all of you. No matter what you are doing, there is something I learned today that I think anyone can benefit from, ALWAYS READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!! I have always been real good at this rule. Since my wife and I got married a year and a half…
I have finally uploaded my Ajax Todo list so that others who want to can use it. There are a bunch of files so I zipped them all together into a zip file which can be downloaded from the page. It requires PHP and MySQL to work. A working example can be seen here: http://hesswebservices.com/download_scripts/TodoV1…
Well I’m attempting to get things going to make a bit of money on the side of my day job. I’ve created some scripts for other things and I decided – Hey, while I’ve already created this content I might as well make it useful for others! So I’m putting it up on Hess Web…
Well today Leo Babauta at Zen Habits announced that he has quit his day job to be a full time blogger. I’m so jealous! Just a couple of months ago J.D. Roth at Get Rich slowly announced similar plans of slowing work until he quits completely. Although I don’t think that I want to be…
So I did something today that I don’t often do. I watched hours of tv. It started this afternoon when I was holding Jayden. He didn’t want to be put down so I put the tv on. Then I got into Psych, which was 2 episodes, and then 2 episodes of Monk. Both of those…
I was watching the TV this afternoon, and I had this great idea – I should start a website for only positive news. I promptly pulled up my laptop and decided that I would see if positivenews.com was taken. Sure enough it was, and it forwarded me to http://www.positivenews.net. The site is visually in need…
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