Hey, I’m Chris!
I love my wife and 5 kids, my consulting opportunities, and my life in general. I love to solve problems and usually like to find ways to do it with Technology. My hobbies include programming and learning about self development (and attempting to improve myself every day). Because lifestyle design is a passion of mine I also love to help other people unlock their true potential. If you are interested in what I am working on right now, you can see it on my Now page.
My small business consulting & web design company is Polished Stone, LLC.
Hey Friend! Welcome to my ramblings.
The other day there was an article in a newsletter I skim from sitepoint, and it talked about animated css. It was really quite interesting and the link can be found here. I didn’t really see a use for his example (here) but it seemed like an interesting idea. As I thought of it I…
Volleyball: Yesterday at work we played volleyball for an hour and a half. This was way more exercise than I thought it would be, and I was feeling it this morning – I was afraid I wasn’t gonna be able to exercise or make it through what I started. Running: Well I just finished another…
Running: Well I went running on Saturday morning. I put Jayden in the stroller and took him for a short run (google maps says 0.8 miles). Considering that was the most I have ran in a while, I figured thats pretty good. Then Tuesday I ran down a less developed road (which I enjoyed because…
Ok, here goes nothing… I’ve been thinking about these things for a couple of days now, but I guess I’ll commit to them… First up, marathons! At the beginning of the year I set some goals for myself. One was to exercise everyday, and work to run in a marathon. Its a really really long…
This past weekend my wife’s family had a reunion. We drove out to the mountains and stayed in some cabins out in pretty much the middle of nowhere. It wasn’t really rouging it, but it was a good deal of fun! One of the things I had the opportunity to do was late Friday…
So has anyone else been having trouble with Pandora.com lately? I love the ability to pick the music that I listen to and also not having to listen to commercials, but this week it sometimes seems like it takes a couple of minutes after a song ends before it starts another (sometimes it just sits…
Whale Done! A book about the power of positive relationships by Ken Blanchard (and others) is a great book. I read it a few years ago, and remembered it being great, so for Christmas it was on my list of books I’d like to own and read again. I did get it, and this week…
I work as a programmer in an IT company. My job consists of lots of little things that I need to do each day. Usually they add up to a large project that I am working to complete. Last week our company sponsored a conference here in town and we had a whole bunch of…
So I graduated in April, and started full time work. It has been tough working for 8 hours a day. My work is very flexible in what times I need to work, and I started with the best intentions of getting in early and leaving early. Well it has been really really difficult to keep…
Well, a few weeks back I found a program called RescueTime. Cleaning out my RSS feeds today I found that JD at Get Rich Slowly had a similar post earlier this month discussing this program. I decided that I wanted to chime in myself. What this program does, is run on your computer in the…
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