Hey, I’m Chris!
I love my wife and 5 kids, my consulting opportunities, and my life in general. I love to solve problems and usually like to find ways to do it with Technology. My hobbies include programming and learning about self development (and attempting to improve myself every day). Because lifestyle design is a passion of mine I also love to help other people unlock their true potential. If you are interested in what I am working on right now, you can see it on my Now page.
My small business consulting & web design company is Polished Stone, LLC.
Hey Friend! Welcome to my ramblings.
Piggybacking on my post from last night I thought I’d share a website that was brought to my attention that I’ve used a bit at work. Its called nowdothis.com The idea behind it is that you go in and setup a list of tasks and it gives you the first task on the list. Its…
Tonight I was given a reason not to multi-task and I thought I would share it. See I always have this problem, TONS of things going on all the time in my head. What this usually leads me to do is work on bits and pieces of a bunch of things. I’ve been trying to…
Tonight I was thinking about the word “Tomorrow”. It started because I was going to set some goals for tomorrow. Get up early (4:45am) and get to work being the main one so far. This isn’t going to be easy as its currently 11:30PM… But Tomorrow – there is that word again – is a…
Problems are much easier to solve if you know what the problem is! Tonight I spent a half hour digging out the door frame to our bedroom when the door knob goes in past the plate. It has never latched, and we finally got to a point where shutting our door to keep Jayden out…
When you are trying to attain a goal, whether it be a one time goal, or establishing a habit, your successes and failures are bound to look like a roller-coaster. Some days or weeks (maybe even months) will seem to be getting better and better, and then sometimes you will hit one of those steep…
I will be one of the first to tell you how important it is to set goals. I have seen goals do some miraculous things in my life. However, in writing my last post I realized that sometimes things are much easier on paper than we think. For instance, at the New Year I decided…
So you know how life, just when you feel like you are starting to get things down can throw some curves… Well, that is how I feel now. I think I started thinking about too many things all at once that I wanted to do. First of all, I started working a little more on…
So yesterday, halfway though the day, I was having trouble getting myself motivated to do ANYTHING at work. I work as a web application developer (full time and freelance) and I am constantly in the middle of a bunch of projects. Lately, I’ve been struggling to keep on track or work on what (I think)…
I just read an article on how important mornings are to the rest of your day. I totally agree with the idea of this post. I might even say the same thing for a week. I was actually just thinking about it this weekend. Last week was a rough week for me. It really…
The other day I read a short article called “The Fifteen-Weed Formula“. The basic idea of the story is that there was a lady who suffered from multiple sclerosis which made it difficult to do physically demanding tasks. One day she noticed a whole bunch of weeds in her back yard and noted that she…
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