Hey, I’m Chris!
I love my wife and 5 kids, my consulting opportunities, and my life in general. I love to solve problems and usually like to find ways to do it with Technology. My hobbies include programming and learning about self development (and attempting to improve myself every day). Because lifestyle design is a passion of mine I also love to help other people unlock their true potential. If you are interested in what I am working on right now, you can see it on my Now page.
My small business consulting & web design company is Polished Stone, LLC.
Hey Friend! Welcome to my ramblings.
In a recent Information week blog post, John Foley discussed briefly the problem of having data spread between different cloud providers. As I read the post I started to think about where I think a good solution to the cloud will finally settle. My opinion is that one of the solutions particularly for enterprises will…
I work for Cluster Resources as their Business Infrastructure Developer. Basically in my job I find ways to make our business processes more efficient, removing touch points and creating value through IT. Really love my job and specifically, the company. The more I have come to understand our product, the more I want to tell…
I am always looking for new ways to do things. A few weeks back I wanted to subscribe to some newsletters at work. I noticed however that my inbox (which I try to keep empty) was being cluttered with newsletters I had not yet had a chance to read. Newsletters just don’t work in my…
So today is my birthday and this week I treated myself to a new toy. I am terrible when it comes to buying things because I never want to spend money on things… But I decided I had some money from my b-day and I had thought about it quite a bit and I figure…
I read an article last night that gave me some very good ideas. It started with a poem: I always eat my peas with honey I’ve done it all my life They do taste kind of funny But it keeps them on my knife – anonymous In IT we are often doing the same things…
Ok, so I’m not usually one to get overly involved in politics. I follow things, but I find that often I’m one of the onlookers who lets things happen as they will. We can’t let just anything happen with this vote. This is really a big deal and it needs to be dealt with in…
Today is Blog action day. I can’t remember if I signed up or not, but as I did last year, I figured I’d shoot out a quick post about this year’s topic – Poverty. There are lots of ways that we can help overcome poverty in the world today. One of the first thoughts I…
Well… Life is just nuts. It always happens like this – you get really really busy, you start to figure things out, and then all of a suddent things go crazy and you just lose control. Well that’s been our life the last couple of months… I’ve got lots of thoughts I’d love to post…
Ok, so Google created a browser. I haven’t spent a ton of time playing with it, but its worth a look if you haven’t downloaded it yet. It can be downloaded for windows only right now at http://google.com/chrome. Below are my thoughts: 1. It seems to load pages (particularly AJAX based apps) quite quickly. 2.…
I have had so many problems creating buttons in IE using the dom that I had gone to just using images as buttons and adding them. Turns out there is one simple thing you can do to get it to work. Create the button, then add it to the page… Here is what I was…
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