Category: Happiness
What about 40-60?
I’m not sure if this is the result of the fact I turn 40 next year, or if it is just the point of life I’m in, but I’ve been thinking a lot about goals and lifestyle phases. I feel like the first 20 years of life is mapped out for us, the next 20…
How much is my work worth?
In my last post I explored giving and receiving and it lead me to the question of “how much is my work worth?” I ended the post with the comment “don’t rob from yourself” and the gist of the previous post is to not seek for money. What does God have to say about this?…
Giving vs Receiving
(This is a series of posts exploring my goals and direction for life…) I am a religious person and when I think about money, quotes like “ For the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Tim. 6:10) and that makes me think I shouldn’t seek after it. Then, in Acts 20:35 Jesus…
Valuing the work and service you provide
(This is a series of posts exploring my goals and direction for life…) In my last post, I came to the conclusion that in the first job I ever did for money, I undervalued the service I was giving. Where has this led me? Value of hard work I love to work hard. I love…
Why don’t I like selling or supporting products I create?
(This is a series of posts exploring my goals and direction for life…) In my last post I came to realize that a lot of my problems with work outside of my job (although I wager it plays a role there too) is that when I create something, I don’t like to sell it OR…
The Purpose Driven Life
(Random thoughts as I try to figure out where I am heading and what I’m supposed to really do with my life.) I think there is a book on that topic. In fact, I’ve probably read (or listened to) it. That being said, I’ve been contemplating this for a while. I read a lot (and…
Life Lessons From Disney® Frozen (Part 2)
Part 1 can be found here. [Spoiler Alert: if you haven’t seen the movie this post is filled with spoilers so proceed with caution.] Lessons from good vs. bad experiences In life we make lots of decisions. In my last post I focused on bad decisions from the movie Frozen that lead to hurt and pain and…
Life Lessons From Disney® Frozen (Part 1)
Yesterday, the movie Frozen came out on DVD. We had been to the theater twice to watch it and I kid you not, my 5 year old woke up and said “Good morning Dad… (groggy eyed and stretching while a huge smile spreads across her face) Frozen comes out today and we need to go…
Being happy makes you more healthy
I’ve been recently doing a bit of studying on being happy. This lead me to an article that basically said ” happiness does directly influence the genetic-expression of DNA” (If we are happy we are more likely to be physically healthy.) I just thought that was interesting 🙂