Author: Chris
What do Dave Ulrich, Marcus Buckingham, David Alle…
What do Dave Ulrich, Marcus Buckingham, David Allen & the IronCowboy have in common? Speaking Nov5 @ Elevate2015 #HR
Grow from boss to leader in 10 ways [INFOGRAPHIC]…
Grow from boss to leader in 10 ways [INFOGRAPHIC]
So @asana received an update today. I’m still poking around but I’m excited to see what the #newAsana will bring!
So @asana received an update today. I'm still poking around but I'm excited to see what the #newAsana will bring! — Chris Hess (@HessCJ) September 30, 2015 So @asana received an update today. I'm still poking around but I'm excited to see what the #newAsana will bring! — Chris Hess (@HessCJ) September 30,…
How to improve your company culture in just 10 minutes a day @hwhl via @Inc
How to improve your company culture in just 10 minutes a day @hwhl via @Inc — Chris Hess (@HessCJ) September 29, 2015 How to improve your company culture in just 10 minutes a day @hwhl via @Inc — Chris Hess (@HessCJ) September 29, 2015
Love the video at the end! – 10 Tips for Great Video Interviews [VIDEO]
Love the video at the end! – 10 Tips for Great Video Interviews [VIDEO] — Chris Hess (@HessCJ) September 29, 2015 Love the video at the end! – 10 Tips for Great Video Interviews [VIDEO] — Chris Hess (@HessCJ) September 29, 2015
Just posted a photo
Just posted a photo — Chris Hess (@HessCJ) July 26, 2015 Just posted a photo — Chris Hess (@HessCJ) July 26, 2015
Finishing a project you don’t want to work on
Recently I completed a project that was on my list forever. To be honest I didn’t want to do it. I had a drain in my bathtub that needed to be replaced. The plug didn’t work but it was mostly aesthetic. The problem was I looked at it EVERY DAY and though “I really should…
The Wine Bottle FIER Extinguisher
First question: Do you have a fire extinguisher in your home? Second question: Do you know where it is? Third question: Do you know how to use it? (or have you ever even thought about having to use it?) My friend Greg Mockett recently developed decrative fire extinguisers that can sit on your counter. Why you…
Bye Bye Coin, Hello Plastc
So do you ever have one of those moments when a light bulb goes off over your head. You get so excited about an idea that you just can’t stop thinking about it?! This is what happened to me with Coin. Then the problems started. Delays, terrible PR… I kept thinking I got in early……