A few months back I found a service called CloudHQ. They sync dropbox, google docs, basecamp and other cloud based systems (working on evernote and box.) You can create multiple accounts and pick folders to sync up.
Well, for me the problem existed in the question of what to store where? I have a whole bunch of applications. Basecamp for project management (where I attach files and todo items), Google docs for shared editing of documents (and not shared), Dropbox if I want a particular file in multiple locations, Evernote (not yet available in cloudhq) for well… everything… It was getting to be a mess. Then I found this service that said, “OK, you have a project, create a folder in dropbox, and a project in basecamp and we’ll sync the files bi-directional so you always have the ones you need in whichever app you are currently using.” That idea is awesome!
A new use case:
Tonight I came up with a new use case for this system. I had a client send me an invite to a share to my “work” email but dropbox is setup to my personal email (and as of right now you can’t associate more than one email with an account.) So rather than make the client re-share the invite (like I’ve done in the past) I created a dropbox account with my work address and then setup CloudHQ to sync the folder where I wanted it in my personal dropbox account. It is great. She puts the files in the shared folder on her end, they sync to dropbox, CloudHQ syncs them to my dropbox and they sync down to my computer. The best part is that it is bi-directional so that if I make changes (add something or change a file) my computer syncs it back to the share and then dropbox does it’s thing. I don’t even need to worry about installing the app on my computer for that account because it just syncs across the cloud. I thought that was pretty neat and I thought I’d share it.
If you want to check them out you can use my referral link: https://www.cloudHQ.net/dropbox?r=iufm
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