The Purpose Driven Life

(Random thoughts as I try to figure out where I am heading and what I’m supposed to really do with my life.)

I think there is a book on that topic. In fact, I’ve probably read (or listened to) it. That being said, I’ve been contemplating this for a while. I read a lot (and by read, often that means, if it is a book, I listen to it via audible). Usually I go back through books again and again over the years. This has proved immensely valuable to me as it helps me internalize the principles of the books. I could list off any number of books that have “changed” my life but really our lives are a combination of all the inputs we give it. This includes books as well as the experiences we have. Over the years, I go through peaks and valleys of times of productivity in different avenues of focus, but I keep going back to the question of at the root of my life, what am I supposed to do?

My professional life has gone through a lot of transformations over the years. I now work in Operations and I LOVE to solve complex problems. As I look back, this is really always where I was, I just didn’t realize it, or call it that. Usually, my solutions involve technology, another love of my life. I can (to some extent) program and love to create tools and solutions. That being said, I don’t love to sell or support those solutions once I create them. This puts me in a bit of a conundrum because it is hard to create value in the world in the form of technology if you can’t/don’t share it and can’t/don’t want to support it. This brings me to the question of WHY?

This has been insightful to this point. I think I’ll stop and answer this question in the next post…

Image by Alejandro Piñero Amerio from Pixabay


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