So I’ve been thinking a lot about travel these days. This summer my family drove across the country and spent a couple of weeks in the Northeast (a week on the beach in New Jersey was probably the high point…) I also took a trip to San Francisco for a conference, and that was enjoyable too (although I wish I would have seen more of the sights).

What I’ve found is that the trips are awesome and when I look back on them I am excited to have more of them. I’d love to go back and visit London, England (where I served a mission for the Mormon church), Florida (where we went on our honeymoon), or even Hawaii (where I’ve never been).
My family lives in New York, and we live in Utah, so the “travel fund” we have mostly covers those trips back (which is way better than putting it on a credit card like we used to), but before we can travel more, we need to pay off our debts and earn a bit more money.
I’ve decided that this is the “why” that I need to focus on my work. I want to travel, I really do. Not only do I want the free time to spend with my family (what I previously thought was my reason for not wanting to work the rest of my life) but I want to see things and learn to do things that I won’t be easily able to do while working for someone else.
Travel is my new “why”. What’s yours?
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