Well, as you can see, I can’t sleep. Been lying in bed for an hour now, and just can’t get to the zzz… But I did read some from a book I got from the library a little while back. Its Don Norman’s book called “The Design of Everyday Things”. Its actually really entertaining 🙂 Anyway, So this past weekend I spent about 45 hours on a networking project building a chat lab. I really enjoyed it actually. I learned TONS about socket programming, and everything. Basically I created (well started with some help) a basic web server with PHP that opened a socket and allowed connections to it. Then I edited the code so that it would actually be a chat room. Its not working, but I’ll get it up here shortly. You’ll be able to get to it at http://hess.selfip.com:9020/talk.html – check it out if you get a min. It’s really poor coding, and not real nice looking, but it was fun to do! Anyway, I’m hoping I’ll be able to sleep here in a little while, so maybe I’ll head back to bed… EDIT: Chat is now operable…
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